How much farther down hill can this site go???


Oct 16, 2008
I really use to enjoy this site a ton and there are still some aspects and posters I like on this site, but my god has the site as a whole gone down the shitter the past few months to possibly even a year. You have so many people running around spouting off the most ridiculous shit ever and the mods just sit there with their thumbs up your ass.

You have people like beantownjim banned and others on post review, but you let members who create 13 id's and post within their own threads praising themselves just fine. sure you might ban an id or two, but you just continue to let them keep coming back running the same scheme over and over again.

I thought this site tried to ask you to keep some form of an accurate record, even if you had to ball park if someone asked, but my god you have people claiming to be around 70% who havent even sniffed 40% when people look into it. Fuck we all lose, myself included, but I dont go around acting like my picks dont stink and im king of the hill. Is the site really that desperate for activity/posts that they allow this to continue as opposed to less activity but people show sharing knowledge/insight/picks.

dont even get me started on the whole synbet debacle or the way you kicked 1vice to the curb after they pulled your ass out of the fire with numerous posters here who posted up at the show, bc management touted them as an up and coming book.

rx owners, management, and mods should be ashamed of themselves and how they have fallen asleep at the wheel. This site use to be great and loved reading it, but now its just filled with air bets, people talking to themselves from multiple ids, and idiots run wild. I hope one day it returns to the way it use to be or atleast some shell of its former self.
Jan 17, 2007
Hey, we can't all be everywhere all the time .
If you want to shit on the RX that much, you can stay over at your other site.
Last time I know, we don't charge to be a member here... So if you don't like it, leave.

New member
Dec 16, 2011
Don't let the door hit ya, where the Good Lord split ya son.

Pour your misery down on me
May 20, 2004
We don`t care about wannabe tout`s

We come here for the silver thread ! :103631605

Oct 16, 2008
who is selling picks? I have never charged a member for a pick or even asked for cash for a pick

as for being everywhere all the time bas, how about being somewhere sometime? how many id's has that choosen1 had, 5, 10, 15? how many times have you caught him patting himself on his back and said pick an id, he picks an id, shits the bed, and the next day we have a brand new id looking for a "clean start".

Oct 16, 2008
thats the problem with this site, when an active member who tries to help others and is cordial with 98% of the posters on this site, calls out the site for its lack luster effort and over all quality of the product its offering, your response is to attack the criticism and deflect the flaws this site has. I have vented numerous problems to you through private channels and ill have gotten is a what can i do or i dont make those type of decisions. Is the purpose of a mod not to try to keep the site running smooth, we havent had that for some time now. If your not up for the job, why dont you step down and let someone replace you who is.

Professional At All Times
Dec 3, 2003

I have spoken directly with the owner of this site and here is his quote:

"I couldn't be happier with the way the site is now being handled by our leading moderators and the entire team compared to the past."

That's all we need to know!

Oct 16, 2008
how many quality members have you lost over the last year or 2? how many people complain about good handicappers getting run off by members running wild in the forums? how many members complain about how dead the forum are these days?

as for the owner, they thought synbet was a good idea, so excuse me if i dont use them as the top bar measuring stick. The owners/management can continue to turn a blind eye, its your right, like bas said, we dont pay to be members, but its pretty obvious the site has been declining and if you dont want to listen to your "customers" so be it.

Dec 20, 2011
i have spoken directly with the owner of this site and here is his quote:

"i couldn't be happier with the way the site is now being handled by our leading moderators and the entire team compared to the past."

that's all we need to know!

lollololololloollollolool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i AGREE THE MODS DO WHAT THEY CAN! BUT ALLLLLL SHIT SHOULD FALL ON THE OWNER!!!!!!!!!

Oct 16, 2008
nice looking avatar by the way griffin, i use to have a good one to that got lots of compliments, but it seems to have left me :(

Dec 20, 2011
nice looking avatar by the way griffin, i use to have a good one to that got lots of compliments, but it seems to have left me :(

my membership! Anyone that plays with us at (you know where) our door is always open! This site is shit! I feel sorry for the mods here, i have spoken to them all at great lengths, and they are all good dudes!@ i hope i never am in a position where i need money so bad that i have to compromise my integrity!

Oct 18, 2008
I have spoken directly with the owner of this site and here is his quote:

"I couldn't be happier with the way the site is now being handled by our leading moderators and the entire team compared to the past."

That's all we need to know!

Thats the funniest thing about this. If a lot of people think there are problems yet upper management couldn't care less. Guess it starts at the top and flows down
Jan 17, 2007
thats the problem with this site, when an active member who tries to help others and is cordial with 98% of the posters on this site, calls out the site for its lack luster effort and over all quality of the product its offering, your response is to attack the criticism and deflect the flaws this site has. I have vented numerous problems to you through private channels and ill have gotten is a what can i do or i dont make those type of decisions. Is the purpose of a mod not to try to keep the site running smooth, we havent had that for some time now. If your not up for the job, why dont you step down and let someone replace you who is.

Well you forgot to put down the other reason why some have left the RX....

because guys like you, Griffin and a few others like to use the RX PM system to tell people about that make believe Forum that 1Vice's main Company owns.
IMHO I think you have played "messenger" for Griffin for awhile...

You know like the time you came here and changed your Location as 1Vice ... or as a Tag under your user name ....also, 1Vice
You want to promote that place... do it down in the site Promotions forum, Just like everyone else.

So what should have happened back then ( But I still allowed ) was your use of the PM's should have been taken away.

Same reason why Griffin no longer has use of the RX PM system.
He goes to all these Forums and uses the PM's to grab posters for Forum.
why would he want to post at other Forums , when he has his own :think2:
hmm, I wonder

But like I said before, nobody is holding you to stay. You have their forum to post at. and plenty of others as well.

Oct 16, 2008
i posted my location as 1vice and my tag at 1vice because i find it absolutely horrible the way the rx has treated them after they saved the rx from a black eye. Im sorry that I think they deserve credit for going out of their way to help players when the offshore has become so shady in recent years, im sorry that they have management members that actively like to interact with people who play at their book.

ive been voicing concerns about this site for months, through pms to various mods, pointing out shit that should not fly, and it has fallen on death ears. im not asking for this site to be ruled with an iron fist, but a little common sense would go a long way. seems this site will let anything to go, to keep traffic up and posts coming

New member
Dec 21, 2008
I wish 5team parlay would come back.... i mean , deadmoney72 is sharp and all , BUT , he's no 5teamparlay. LMAO!
Jan 17, 2007
i posted my location as 1vice and my tag at 1vice because i find it absolutely horrible the way the rx has treated them after they saved the rx from a black eye. Im sorry that I think they deserve credit for going out of their way to help players when the offshore has become so shady in recent years, im sorry that they have management members that actively like to interact with people who play at their book.

ive been voicing concerns about this site for months, through pms to various mods, pointing out shit that should not fly, and it has fallen on death ears. im not asking for this site to be ruled with an iron fist, but a little common sense would go a long way. seems this site will let anything to go, to keep traffic up and posts coming

And you know what, they did get credit for bailing out those players... HUGE marketing Deal for them. It just didn't last as long as WE ALL thought it would be because of something else.

and Yes You along with a few others have Voiced your concerns about some posters acting like a dipshit.
But the RX goes a little more on the liberal side, and let's more get away with stuff... we are Bad.... When Wil was here and if you Crossed your Eyes the wrong was and things got Moved, deleted, Post reviewed or Banned... we are the Bad guys and the site Sucks !

You brought up poster Snakes....a 30 year old Whack job... yeah i gave him a bunch of chances ( probably too many ) but some liked to fade him with his Stupid over the top plays. So I figured let him still post.. Did i warn others in case some newbies came along ? Yes
He's now on Post review and only posting here and there.
Did he Hurt anyone ? NO
Better to have a guy like him than those Con guys that like to help posters, then turn around and go Tout !

My point is Most posters here know Who is Who, they know when to Call BS.
and we let them call BS.
You have a small hand full of guys that post Over the Top. It might take time when the other poster say, Enough is Enough... but at least we gave them a chance.

Nobody is Perfect... and No Forum is Perfect either.

I just feel that a Poster like yourself, who I thought was a Perfect person and has given a lot to the RX community for the past few years Wouldn't react like you have in the past month.
And I won't even go into the WNBA thing because that was some Baby shit.

Oct 16, 2008
what about it was exactly baby? I obviously havent been happy about how things have been running of late, I pmed you to ask if the rx was going to continue something that was very helpful on a sport thats hard to get info on, and you said no. with all that being said, just wasnt worth my time trying to help promote/carry that forum, especially when you said rx was going another direction or something close to that. I had people pm'ing me asking when the season started, so to save myself time and other members i posted a thread stating I would not be posting my picks here, but wishing everyone good luck on their plays for the season. Then people started asking me where I would be posting, and ill I stated was probably down the street and people again started pm'ing me asking where.

so i dont really see how i want out of my way to promote another site when it came to the wnba. Now sure a few people who i spoke to on a regular basis, i told them i was posting alot more on another site, as opposed to here, but again pointed out, its a much smaller place with limited activity, but no crazies running around free making a joke of trying to bet

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